Selected Papers
(For complete list of my publications click here: Google Scholar)
- Non-parametric classification via expand-and-sparsify representation [PDF]
Kaushik Sinha
NeurIPS 2024 - Federated nearest neighbor classification with a colony of fruit-flies
Parikshit Ram and Kaushik Sinha
AAAI 2022 - Fruit-fly inspired neighborhood encoding for classification
Kaushik Sinha and Parikshit Ram
KDD 2021 - Revisiting kd-tree for nearest neighbor search [PDF]
Parikshit Ram and Kaushik Sinha
KDD 2019 - K-means clustering using random matrix sparsification [PDF]
Kaushik Sinha
ICML 2018 - Improved nearest neighbor search using auxiliary information and priority functions [PDF]
Omid Keivani and Kaushik Sinha
ICML 2018 - Improved Maximum Inner Product Search with Better Theoretical Guarantees using Randomized Partition Trees [PDF]
Omid Keivani, Kaushik Sinha and Parikshit Ram
Machine Learning 107 (6), 1069-1094, 2018 - Sparse Randomized Partition Trees for Nearest Neighbor Search [PDF]
Kaushik Sinha and Omid Keivani
AISTATS 2017 - Improved Maximum Inner Product Search with Better Theoretical Guarantees
Omid Keivani, Kaushik Sinha and Parikshit Ram
IJCNN 2017 - Randomized partition trees for nearest neighbor search
Sanjoy Dasgupta and Kaushik Sinha
Algorithmica 72 (1), 237-263, 2015 - Polynomial learning of distribution families
Mikhail Belkin and Kaushik Sinha
SIAM Journal on Computing 44 (4), 889-911, 2015 - A near-optimal algorithm for differentially-private principal components [PDF]
Kamalika Chaudhuri, Anand D Sarwate and Kaushik Sinha
JMLR 14 (1), 2905-2943, 2013 - Randomized Partition Trees for Exact Nearest Neighbor Search [PDF]
Sanjoy Dasgupta and Kaushik Sinha
COLT 2013 - Near-optimal Differentially Private Principal Components [PDF]
Kamalika Chaudhuri, Anand D Sarwate and Kaushik Sinha
NIPS 2012 - Polynomial Learning of Distribution Families
Mikhail Belkin and Kaushik Sinha
FOCS 2010 - Toward Learning Gaussian Mixtures with Arbitrary Separation [PDF]
Mikhail Belkin and Kaushik Sinha
COLT 2010 - Semi-supervised Learning Using Sparse Eigenfunction Bases [PDF]
Kaushik Sinha and Mikhail Belkin
NIPS 2009 - The Value of Labeled and Unlabeled Examples when The Model is Imperfect[PDF]
Kaushik Sinha and Mikhail Belkin
NIPS 2007 - Simultaneous optimization of complex mining tasks with a knowledgeable cache
Ruoming Jin, Kaushik Sinha, Gagan Agrawal
KDD 2005.